Cancer Outcomes and Services Data Set XML Schema
Commissioning Data Set XML Schema
Community Services Data Set Intermediate Database
Community Services Data Set post-deadline extract XML Schema
Community Services Data Set pre-deadline extract XML Schema
Community Services Data Set XML Schema
Diagnostic Imaging Data Set XML Schema
Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration Data Sets XML Schema
Emergency Care Data Set XML Schema
Global Trade Item Number to OPCS-4 code cross reference file
HIV and AIDS Reporting Data Set XML Schema
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data Set Intermediate Database
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data Set pre- and post-deadline extract XML Schemas
Information Sharing to Tackle Violence Data Set XML Schema
Legally restricted patient confidential reference data
Maternity Services Data Set Intermediate Database
Maternity Services Data Set pre-deadline, mid-window and post-deadline extract XML Schemas
Maternity Services Data Set XML Schema
Mental Health Services Data Set Commissioner extract XML Schemas
Mental Health Services Data Set Intermediate Database
Mental Health Services Data Set pre- and post-deadline extract XML Schemas
National Cancer Waiting Times Monitoring Data Set XML Schema
National Clinical Coding Standards reference books for eViewer
NHS All Age Continuing Care (AACC) Patient Level Data Set – CSV format
NHS All Age Continuing Care (AACC) Patient Level Data Set – XML format
NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) Data Set - CSV format
NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) Data Set - JSON Schema
NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) Data Set - XML Schema
NHS ICD-10 4th Edition data files
NHS ICD-10 4th Edition XML data files
NHS ICD-10 5th Edition data files
NHS ICD-10 5th Edition XML data files
NHS ICD-10 Reprinted (with corrections and updates) 2000
NHS National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedures
NHS National Laboratory Medicine Catalogue
NHS ODS weekly prescribing-related data
NHS UK Read Codes Clinical Terms Version 3
NHS UK Read Codes Clinical Terms Version 3, Cross Maps
NHS UK Read Pathology Bounded Code List
ODS XML Organisation Data supporting products
PBCL Read Code to SNOMED Code Translation Table
Primary Care Domain reference sets
SNOMED CT human-readable subset - In Development
SNOMED CT human-readable subset - UK Clinical Extension
SNOMED CT human-readable subset - UK Drug Extension
SNOMED CT International Edition
SNOMED CT International General Dentistry Diagnostic refset
SNOMED CT International Odontogram refset
SNOMED CT UK Clinical Edition Cross-map Historical Files, RF2: Full
SNOMED CT UK Clinical Edition, RF2: Delta
SNOMED CT UK Clinical Edition, RF2: Full, Snapshot & Delta
SNOMED CT UK Data Migration Workbench
SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension, RF2: Delta
SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension, RF2: Full, Snapshot & Delta
SNOMED CT UK Monolith Edition, RF2: Snapshot
SNOMED CT UK Query Table and History Substitution Table
The Cancer Outcomes and Services Data Set provides a standard for secondary uses information required to support implementation and monitoring of the national cancer strategy.
Commissioning Data Sets form the basis of data on activity carried out by organisations reported centrally for monitoring and payment purposes. They support the current Healthcare Resource Group version for calculation of payment to trusts and monitoring of other initiatives.
Community Services Data Set (CSDS) submissions must be made using the latest CSDS Intermediate Database (IDB).
The structure of the IDB must not be altered in any way, and will be validated upon receipt of the submission to the SDCS Cloud. All tables must be present, even if some are not appropriate to the submission (based on the activity that has taken place). All fields listed in each table must also be present and field types must be exactly as specified.
The data items required to populate the IDB should be extracted directly from the appropriate local information systems, such as a clinical system or Patient Administration System.
Read more on our Intermediate Database (IDB) guidance pages.
File structure of the provider post-deadline extract for the Community Services Data Set.
Following post-deadline processing (once the submission window has closed), the SDCS Cloud generates a post-deadline extract for providers, which contains the elements of their data taken into data storage and additional derivations from the submitted data.
File structure of the provider pre-deadline extract for the Community Services Data Set.
Once a provider has submitted a successful file and it has been processed, a pre-deadline extract can be downloaded to show what data would be carried forward if this was the final submission.
Further processing is later required to produce the post-deadline extracts (this takes place after the submission deadline).
The Community Services Data Set collects information for people who are in contact with NHS-funded Community Health Services.
The Diagnostic Imaging Data Set collects information on diagnostic imaging tests.
Use this tool to read the XML files in releases of item NHSBSA dm+d in category NHSBSA dictionary of medicines and devices and convert the content to both Microsoft Excel and comma-separated value (CSV) files.
The tool:
No NHSBSA dm+d releases are included with the tool and must be downloaded separately.
The Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration Data Sets are secondary use data sets which aim to repurpose clinical and operational data concerning the prescribing and administration of medication in Health Care Providers in England who have a live Electronic Prescribing and Medication Administration system.
The Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS) collects information about why people attend Emergency Care Services and the treatment they receive.
The ECDS is a Commissioning Data Set. Find previous releases under item Commissioning Data Set XML Schema.
Releases of this item contain the application used to view the ICD-10 and OPCS-4 eVersion books and the National Clinical Coding Standards reference books.
Follow the steps in the installation guide included in the releases to install the application.
You may need administrator rights to install the application. Contact your IT department for help before contacting NHS Digital, as administrator rights are managed locally.
The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) to OPCS-4 code cross reference file has a GTIN for every OPCS-4 code.
Releases of this item contain the data file and guidance on the creation and management of GTINs for OPCS-4.
The HIV and AIDS Reporting Data Set collects information on patients who are newly diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or newly transferred to other Health Care Providers.
Releases of this item contain the ICD-10 5th Edition eVersion book, which is an electronic copy of ICD-10 5th Edition for adding to the eViewer.
Install the latest release of the eViewer application item before downloading releases of this item.
Instructions for adding the eVersion Book to the eViewer can be found in the installation guide included in the eViewer releases.
Following implementation of the ICD-10 5th Edition on 1 April 2016, a number of errors were discovered in the printed ICD-10 5th Edition volumes published by the World Health Organisation. Some of these errors are replicated in the ICD-10 5th Edition eVersion.
We've produced a set of shared errata notes which can be imported into the eVersion.
There are now codes within ICD-10 5th Edition categories U06 and U07 that have been designated for emergency use. The descriptions of codes within categories U06 and U07 in the ICD-10 eVersion remain as ‘Emergency use of’.
We've produced a set of shared notes for the codes for emergency use which can be imported into the eVersion.
The shared errata notes and the shared notes for the codes for emergency use are available on Delen, along with instructions on how to import them into the eViewer.
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Data Set submissions must be made using the latest IAPT Intermediate Database (IDB).
The structure of the IDB must not be altered in any way, and will be validated upon receipt of the submission to the SDCS Cloud. All tables must be present, even if some are not appropriate to the submission (based on the activity that has taken place). All fields listed in each table must also be present and field types must be exactly as specified.
The data items required to populate the IDB should be extracted directly from the appropriate local information systems, such as a clinical system or Patient Administration System.
Read more on our Intermediate Database (IDB) guidance pages.
File structure for the outgoing provider pre- and post-deadline extracts for the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Data Set.
Once a provider has submitted a successful file and it has been processed, a pre-deadline extract can be downloaded to show what data would be carried forward if this was the final submission.
Further processing is later required to produce the post-deadline extracts (this takes place after the submission deadline).
Following post-deadline processing (once the submission window has closed), the SDCS Cloud generates a post-deadline extract for providers, which contains the elements of their data taken into data storage plus additional derivations from the submitted data.
The Information Sharing to Tackle Violence Minimum Data Set collects anonymised information on patients presenting at Accident and Emergency Departments for treatment as a result of a violent assault.
This information is to be shared with Community Safety Partnerships (formerly known as Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships in England) to reduce community violence.
The technical preview code list was originally drafted to support a refresh of the ISB 1572 Sensitive Data standards and for no other purpose.
The legal basis for patient identifiable data and sensitive information changed with the introduction of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. However, the legal and policy context and interpretation for sensitive and/or legally restricted data has not been fully established due to the changes in legislation since the original standard was released.
As a result, this supporting code list has remained static since April 2016. NHS Digital will update the codes once an updated policy and instruction is provided by our commissioners.
A Microsoft Access Intermediate Database (IDB) for collating data for submission to the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS) version 2.0.
The IDB can be populated with the relevant data and submitted, and the landing platform will then convert the data into the required XML format.
Use of the IDB is optional, as submissions can also be made in an XML format directly.
The structure of the IDB must not be altered in any way. All tables must be present, even if some are not appropriate to the submission (based on the activity that has taken place). All fields listed in each table must also be present and field types must be exactly as specified.
The data items required to populate the IDB should be extracted directly from the appropriate service provider systems, such as a clinical system or Patient Administration System.
Read more on our Intermediate Database (IDB) guidance pages.
File structure for the outgoing provider pre-deadline, mid-window and post-deadline extracts for the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS).
Once a provider has submitted a successful file and it has been processed, a pre-deadline extract can be downloaded to show what data would be carried forward if this was the final submission.
Further processing is later required to produce the mid-window and final post-deadline extracts. This takes place after the provisional procesing deadline for the mid-window extract, and after the final submission window closes for the post-deadline extract.
Following mid-window and post-deadline processing (during the submission window and once the submission window has closed), the SDCS Cloud generates mid-window and post-deadline extracts for providers. These extracts contain the elements of the provider data taken into data storage and additional derivations from the submitted data.
The Maternity Services Data Set collects information on mothers and children.
File structure for the outgoing Commissioner extract for the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS).
Extracts are available for commissioners following post-deadline processing, and after they have been made available for providers. Commissioners will only see these once they have been loaded into the data warehouse. Their view will only show pseudonymised data.
A Microsoft Access Intermediate Database (IDB) for collating data for submission to the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS).
The IDB can be populated with the relevant data and submitted to the landing platform.
The structure of the IDB must not be altered in any way. All tables must be present, even if some are not appropriate to the submission (based on the activity that has taken place). All fields listed in each table must also be present and field types must be exactly as specified.
The data items required to populate the IDB should be extracted directly from the appropriate service provider systems, such as a clinical system or Patient Administration System.
Read more on our Intermediate Database (IDB) guidance pages.
Subscribe to this item to receive email updates on the IDB. You can opt-out at any time.
File structure for the outgoing provider pre- and post-deadline extracts for the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS).
Once a provider has submitted a successful file and it has been processed, a pre-deadline extract can be downloaded to show what data would be carried forward if this was the final submission.
Further processing is later required to produce the post-deadline extracts (this takes place after the submission deadline).
Following post-deadline processing (once the submission window has closed), the SDCS Cloud generates a post-deadline extract for providers, which contains the elements of their data taken into data storage plus additional derivations from the submitted data. Request post-deadline extracts from the SDCS Cloud file submission page.
Post-deadline extracts are generated at the end of each month using the most recent valid file submitted before the submission window closed. For example, if October activity is submitted in November, it will only be available as a post-deadline extract after the November submission window closes.
For resubmissions, the updated post-deadline extract is not available until the window you resubmit in has closed. Until then, the extract will still show the original submission. For example, if October activity is resubmitted in December, the extract will show November’s submission until the December window closes. After that, it will update with the new data.
The National Cancer Waiting Times Monitoring Data Set supports the continued management and monitoring of cancer waiting times.
Releases of this item contain PDF versions of the ICD-10 and OPCS-4 National Clinical Coding Standards reference books for adding to the eViewer application.
Install the latest release of the ‘eViewer application’ item before downloading releases of this item.
Instructions for adding the eVersion Book to the eViewer can be found in the installation guide included in the eViewer releases.
The AACC Patient Level Data Set collects information about people who receive, or are being assessed for eligibility to receive, the following services:
AACC collections are expected to begin in 2025.
Use the content in these releases for AACC submissions via CSV files.
Email questions or feedback to
The AACC Patient Level Data Set collects information about people who receive, or are being assessed for eligibility to receive, the following services:
AACC collections are expected to begin in 2025.
Use the content in these releases for AACC submissions via XML files.
Email questions or feedback to
The NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) Data Set collects information for people who receive NHS Continuing Healthcare, or whose eligibility is being assessed.
Use the content in these releases for CHC submissions via CSV files.
Email questions or feedback to
The NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) Data Set collects information for people who receive NHS Continuing Healthcare, or whose eligibility is being assessed.
Use the content in these releases for CHC submissions via JSON files.
Email questions or feedback to
The NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) Data Set collects information for people who receive NHS Continuing Healthcare, or whose eligibility is being assessed.
Use the content in these releases for CHC submissions via XML files.
Email questions or feedback to
Releases of this item contain products intended to support the GP Summary Care Record, Systems of Choice and Data Migration programmes. Specifically:
Releases also include experimental SNOMED CT Navigational Subsets by which simulacra of the Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3 taxonomies may be recreated as views on the full SNOMED CT content.
Read important information on the retirement of Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3.
Following consultation, the final release of the Read Version 2 to SNOMED CT mapping tables was April 2020. Releases of this item are now unmaintained static data.
Unscheduled releases may occur until April 2023, but only in order to resolve critical clinical safety issues.
Status: Deprecated
A set of release files containing the Codes and Titles and Metadata and specification, Tables of Coding Equivalences and specification (comprising forward and backward maps with/without code descriptions) and a summary of changes report, to support ICD-10 4th Edition implementation on 1 April 2012.
This item is designed for NHS information departments and/or NHS system suppliers to upload into PAS systems. These data files are neither designed nor intended for training purposes.
A set of release files containing the Codes and Titles and Metadata, Tables of Coding Equivalences (comprising forward and backward maps with/without code descriptions) in XML format to support ICD-10 4th Edition implementation on 1 April 2012.
Associated specifications are available in releases of the ‘NHS ICD-10 4th Edition data files’ item in this category.
This item is designed for NHS information departments and/or NHS system suppliers to upload into PAS systems. These data files are neither designed nor intended for training purposes.
A set of release files containing the Codes and Titles and Metadata and specification, Tables of Coding Equivalences and specification (comprising forward and backward maps with/without code descriptions) and a summary of changes report, to support ICD-10 5th Edition implementation on 1 April 2016.
The Information Standards Notice describes the mandate for NHS and NHS supplier implementation.
This item is designed for NHS information departments and/or NHS system suppliers to upload into PAS systems, and to assist data analysts with the comparison of data collected according to ICD-10 5th Edition with that collected according to the ICD-10 4th Edition. These data files are neither designed nor intended for training purposes.
A set of XML release files containing the Codes and Titles and Metadata, Tables of Coding Equivalences (comprising forward and backward maps with/without code descriptions) in XML format to support ICD-10 5th Edition implementation on 1 April 2016.
Associated specifications are available in releases of the ‘NHS ICD-10 5th Edition data files’ item in this category.
The Information Standards Notice describes the mandate for NHS and NHS supplier implementation.
This item is designed for NHS information departments and/or NHS system suppliers to upload into PAS systems, and to assist data analysts with the comparison of data collected according to ICD-10 5th Edition with that collected according to the ICD-10 4th Edition. These data files are neither designed nor intended for training purposes.
Files in releases of this item contain data equivalent to the icd10met.txt and terms10.txt files (pre-April 2012) in the newer Delimiter Separated Values format.
Implementations of ICD-10 must not use this release - it is provided for the purposes of aiding migration between releases.
This item is not actively maintained and is for reference only.
Releases of this item include requirements specifications for the Discharge Summary data content, technical models and SNOMED CT expression constraints to support clinical and patient communication.
This material includes SNOMED CT, which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement.
Logical Record Architecture for Health and Social Care documentation.
Logical Record Architecture for Health and Social Care technical artefacts.
The NHS National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedures are a set of procedure codes and descriptions for use in the representation of clinical imaging procedures, intended for use in all Imaging Department information systems.
The National Laboratory Medicine Catalogue is a catalogue of SNOMED CT coded laboratory medicine test requests intended for use by Pathology services and their users across the NHS, and is still under development under the ownership of the Royal College of Pathologists.
The status of the National Laboratory Medicine Catalogue is ‘Technology Preview’, as defined in the IReS Terminology Product Development Lifecycle (external PDF). This means that trial implementation is encouraged to evaluate utility and safety, and to identify possible design improvements. Full live deployment is not recommended and will be at the user's own risk, where such risk is permitted by other governance processes.
The catalogue has not been updated since April 2014. Implementations may have to change if the product design changes in light of experience. If the product is found to be only minimally used or useful, or unsafe, then NHS Digital as the UK National Release Centre for SNOMED CT is under no obligation to continue releasing this product.
Status: Technology Preview
Full files for General Medical Practitioners, General Medical Practices, Branch Surgeries, Pharmacy HQs and Dispensaries.
Releases of this item include weekly data amendments, but do not include the Practitioner amendment file.
NHS UK Read Codes release data (all versions) in browsable form. This includes English and Scottish variations of the Tri set browser. One directional cross maps from all versions of Read to ICD-10 and OPCS-4 can be viewed on an individual basis in the browser.
The last scheduled release of Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3 was April 2018. In line with the retirement of Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3, we no longer support or maintain this product.
Status: Deprecated
The final release of this item was on 19 March 2018. Basic maintenance support will be provided until April 2020.
Read important information on the retirement of Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3.
Status: Deprecated
The final release of this item was on 19 March 2018. Basic maintenance support will be provided until April 2020.
Read important information on the retirement of Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3.
Status: Deprecated
The final release of this item was on 1 April 2016.
Read important information on the retirement of Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3.
Status: Deprecated
The Pathology Bounded Code List (PBCL) was developed to provide a defined or bounded subset of Read codes for use in laboratory to GP messaging. Use of the PBCL ensures that there is common understanding by both sending and receiving clinicians of the laboratory investigations and results.
The PBCL continues to be supported following the final release of Read CTV3 in April 2018 but will only be updated on an ad hoc basis where there is an identified national need. Subscribers will be notified in advance of any changes.
Read important information on the retirement of Read Version 2 and Clinical Terms Version 3.
dm+d in a vendor-neutral format.
Read more on the NHS Prescription Services pages.
Email questions or feedback about changes to the data and the editorial policy to
Email questions or feedback about the dm+d XML files and the SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension to
The NHSBSA maintains a list of ATC classification and BNF codes linked to products prescribed in Primary Care. They are not an officially endorsed dm+d product and are provided for their own business purposes.
Status: Supported
Test files to preview dm+d changes to system suppliers and developers.
XML products containing current and archived Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data.
Products and tools to support using the Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data XML products, including:
Releases of this item contain these TXT- and XML-format files:
to support OPCS-4 implementation.
The files are designed for NHS information departments and NHS system suppliers to upload into patient administration systems, and to help data analysts with the comparison of data collected using the current and previous versions of OPCS-4.
The files are neither designed nor intended for training purposes.
Find implementation guidance and other OPCS-4 resources on the OPCS-4 pages on Delen.
The Information Standards Notice describes the mandate for NHS and NHS supplier implementation.
Email questions or feedback to
Releases of this item contain the OPCS-4 eVersion book, an electronic copy of OPCS-4 for use with the eViewer application.
Install the latest release of the eViewer application before downloading releases of this item.
Find instructions for adding the eVersion book to the eViewer in the installation guide included in the eViewer releases.
Reference Data for Organisations and Healthcare Professionals of interest to Health and Social Care.
A set of map tables translating the Read Codes in the PBCL EDIFACT laboratory report message to SNOMED CT codes to support transmission, reception, storage and retrieval of primary care pathology results.
Status: Supported
Primary Care Domain reference sets are clusters of codes used within the business rules authored and maintained by NHS England's primary care domain.
Learn more on the Primary Care Domain Reference Set Portal.
Releases of this item contain subsets related to the domain specified in each file. These are not yet available in the main release, but may be made available once utility and appropriateness for purpose is demonstrable.
Some subsets will be listed in more than one category - this is intentional, and the subset content will be the same. We suggest you register for domains of interest, rather than selecting all, or be aware that some duplication will occur.
We recommend subscribing to this item to receive updates of the latest content before formal release.
We welcome feedback on any of the products, but especially early in the lifecycle of the product it is useful to have feedback on how products are intended to be used or any definition or quality concerns users (or potential users) have. Where subsets relate directly to your domain of practice, there may be opportunities to be more actively involved in development or ownership of the subset. This particularly applies to domain experts within professional bodies - contact the subset service via
Releases of item SNOMED CT UK Clinical Edition, RF2: Full, Snapshot & Delta in category SNOMED CT UK Edition contain a copy of the SNOMED CT International Edition release on which they depend. Usually the dependency is on the most recent SNOMED CT International Edition release.
During periods when the current SNOMED CT UK Clinical Edition release depends on an older SNOMED CT International Edition release, newer SNOMED CT International Edition releases are made available here.
If you are deploying SNOMED CT outside of the United Kingdom, contact your National Release Centre, or register and request releases from SNOMED International.
The General Dentistry set of diagnostic terms is designed to provide dentistry with a relatively easy to implement set of terms that covers the vast majority of care provided in the dental field. It does not attempt to meet the needs of dental sub-specialties, but may prove to do so for a significant amount of the care provided by these specialists.
Releases of this refset include content from the SNOMED CT International Edition.
If you are deploying SNOMED CT outside of the United Kingdom, contact your National Release Centre, or register and request releases from SNOMED International.
The SNOMED CT Odontogram refset was developed from 2015-2017 as a tool to exchange basic oral health status information between dental clinicians using a standardized format and to support gathering of research and quality data based on the most common visualizations for clinicians worldwide.
Releases of this refset include content from the SNOMED CT International Edition.
If you are deploying SNOMED CT outside of the United Kingdom, contact your National Release Centre, or register and request releases from SNOMED International.
Retired cross-map RF2 files, Full release type only.
There is a release per retired cross-map containing the extended map reference set release file and associated documentation.
The data contained within the releases are for reporting or data warehousing - the maps should not be used for live data processing. Active cross-maps can be found in the main Clinical Edition RF2 releases.
Status: Supported Product
SNOMED CT UK Clinical Edition in Release Format 2 (RF2), release type Delta only.
Releases of the UK Clinical Extension and the International release. Each release also includes refsets, cross-maps and added-value files.
Release type Delta provides only the changes between this and the last release, including any new components.
Find SNOMED CT UK Clinical Extension release documentation and SNOMED CT UK Edition product information on Delen.
Status: Supported Product
Read more on the SNOMED CT Releases: Important Notices & Known Issues page on Delen.
SNOMED CT UK Clinical Edition in Release Format 2 (RF2) - all release types.
Releases of the UK Clinical Extension and the International release. Each release also includes refsets, cross-maps and added-value files.
All RF2 release types – Full, Snapshot and Delta – are included.
Find SNOMED CT UK Clinical Extension release documentation and SNOMED CT UK Edition product information on Delen.
Status: Supported Product
Read more on the SNOMED CT Releases: Important Notices & Known Issues page on Delen.
Releases of this item contain the SNOMED CT UK Data Migration Workbench application, which includes its database files pre-loaded with the latest versions of SNOMED CT, CTV3, READ, OPCS-4, ICD-10 and the crossmaps between them.
Releases also include an installation guide, a user guide and a "Read Me.txt" file. Read the "Read Me.txt" file before installing the application.
Status: In Development
SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension in Release Format 2 (RF2), release type Delta only.
RF2 release type Delta, drug-only refsets and added-value files are included in each release.
Find SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension release documentation and SNOMED CT UK Edition product information on Delen.
These releases do not include the UK Clinical Extension or International release.
Status: Supported Product
Read more on the SNOMED CT Releases: Important Notices & Known Issues page on Delen.
SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension in Release Format 2 (RF2), all release types.
All RF2 release types (Full, Snapshot and Delta), drug-only refsets and added-value files are included in each release.
Find SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension release documentation and SNOMED CT UK Edition product information on Delen.
These releases do not include the UK Clinical Extension or International release.
Status: Supported Product
Read more on the SNOMED CT Releases: Important Notices & Known Issues page on Delen.
An integrated, fully merged release of the SNOMED CT UK Clinical Extension, the UK Drug Extension, the UK Pathology Extension and the International Edition as a single set of files in Release Format 2 (RF2).
The merged tables have been post-processed to resolve the duplicates and conflicts that occur across snapshots when they are distributed separately.
Find supporting documentation for the UK extensions on Delen:
Status: Draft for Trial Use
Releases of this item contain 2 related derivatives of the SNOMED CT UK Edition to aid the processing of inactive content within systems and data repositories.
The History Substitution Table provides a single table identifying valid substitutions for concepts that are now inactive, along with metadata about that substitution; it is computed using the historical relationships within the main SNOMED CT release but presented as a simpler look-up table.
The Query Table is an extension to a normal SNOMED CT transitive closure table, taking into account the History Substitutions Table and other data. It provides a mechanism to achieve optimal data retrieval, regardless of inactive and active concept status in data or query definitions. The Query Table is recommended as a mechanism for ensuring inactive content is still returned in searches, and is specifically recommended by the Joint GP IT Committee for use in primary care systems.
Status: Supported
Releases of new or updated terminology and classification products, or their derivatives, in draft, beta, preview and proof-of-concept form.
These releases give implementors and suppliers previews of updates and developments.
Materials made available here are for evaluation only and might never transition to production versions.
Email questions or feedback to
Status: Technology Preview
The final release of this item was on 1 April 2016.
To download releases of this item, email a request to