The technical preview code list was originally drafted to support a refresh of the ISB 1572 Sensitive Data standards and for no other purpose.
The legal basis for patient identifiable data and sensitive information changed with the introduction of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. However, the legal and policy context and interpretation for sensitive and/or legally restricted data has not been fully established due to the changes in legislation since the original standard was released.
As a result, this supporting code list has remained static since April 2016. NHS Digital will update the codes once an updated policy and instruction is provided by our commissioners.
This release is a minor technical update to the previous version 4.8 release of 2016.
The Product Status remains TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW.
Changes are restricted to the SNOMED code lists only, to bring these lists back in line with their primary design requirement that they should not contain inactive SNOMED codes.
All SNOMED codes listed in the previous version 4.8 of this product but that have since become inactive are therefore removed and replaced with semantically equivalent but still active codes (where possible).
You should continue to identify all inactive SNOMED codes subject to the same legal restrictions by inference from the supplied list of active-only codes, using SNOMED’s history mechanisms as per their usual practice when processing any other similar code list specification.
Active codes relating to either Assisted Conception or to Sexually Transmitted Diseases will not be included if they were only released as new SNOMED codes after 2016.
For example:
838317007 Bursitis caused by late syphilis
was only released as a SNOMED code in 2020, and so is still not listed within the LRPCD_STD_v4.8.1_ClusterMembers_SCT_20220801000000 product.
Further LRPCD product major releases will include this kind of more comprehensive content review and update.
Released on 12 September 2022.
This release is provided to support the ISB 1572 Sensitive Data standard and for no other purpose.
This release includes clinical code lists for In Vitro Fertilisation and Sexually Transmitted Diseases across the following terminologies and classifications:
ISB 1572 is subject to review by the Standardisation Committee for Care Information.
The supporting codes are provided as a Technology Preview product. This means that this release is subject to change and potential deprecation. See the release documentation for more information.
This release is no longer consistent with NHS regulation since the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and is subject to review by the HSCIC. The review may indicate withdrawal of the product prior to October 2016. Further announcements can be expected following this review.
Released on 1 April 2016.
This release is provided to support the ISB 1572 Sensitive Data standard and for no other purpose.
This release includes clinical code lists for In Vitro Fertilisation and Sexually Transmitted Diseases across the following terminologies and classifications:
ISB 1572 is subject to review by the Standardisation Committee for Care Information.
The supporting codes are provided as a Technology Preview product. This means that this release is subject to change and potential deprecation. See the release documentation for more information.
Released on 1 October 2015.