Find words in the titles and descriptions of items, releases and news articles by entering them into the search box and clicking SEARCH.
In the examples below we've used double-quotation marks (") for clarity - don't type these into the search box.
Enter "imaging department" to find anything with "imaging" or "department" in its title or description.
Enter "imaging AND department" to find anything matching "imaging" and "department".
Letter case is ignored, so "snomed" will find "SNOMED".
Common words such as "an", "be" and "is" are ignored.
Enter "title:" before the search term to match titles only:
Enter "text:" before the search term to match descriptions only:
Enter "type:item AND more search terms" to match only items.
Enter "type:release AND more search terms" to match only releases.
Enter "type:news AND more search terms" to match only news articles:
Add the tilde (~) character to the end of a word to match words with a similar spelling: