Open Government Licence for dm+d TRUD
This data and any related products may be re-used under the terms and conditions of the Open Government License (OGL) and by accepting this agreement you are confirming you agree with the OGL in their use.
Please be considerate of the following when using any of the data and products:
- You will need to register (for free) on this site if you want to use the content
- You are free to use this data and products
- You should inform us immediately should you find any errors in the dm+d data or products by contacting the dm+d helpdesk ( so we can rectify such issues as quickly as possible
- We recommend that you keep a log of how and where you use the dm+d data or products, and encourage you to ensure you always use the most up to date version of dm+d Some data and products are owned by a third party, so specific license restrictions may apply to some of the content, but this is made clear where appropriate
The dm+d has been developed and is delivered through a partnership between Health and Social Care Information Centre ( and the NHS Business Services Authority (