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A Microsoft Access Intermediate Database (IDB) for collating data for submission to the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS).
The IDB can be populated with the relevant data and submitted to the landing platform.
The structure of the IDB must not be altered in any way. All tables must be present, even if some are not appropriate to the submission (based on the activity that has taken place). All fields listed in each table must also be present and field types must be exactly as specified.
The data items required to populate the IDB should be extracted directly from the appropriate service provider systems, such as a clinical system or Patient Administration System.
Read more on our Intermediate Database (IDB) guidance pages.
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This IDB is to be used for the collection of MHSDS v6.0 data which is due to go live on 1 April 2024.
The IDB aligns with the DAPB approved MHSDS Technical Output Specification version 6.0.1.
The included production log contains separate tabs to show changes to previous preview release (Release preview 1) and changes to current production release (Release 5.0 FINAL).
Released on 28 February 2024.
The submission portal is being developed and tested, and part of that testing includes testing this release of the IDB - the content is subject to change as development continues.
This IDB aligns with the draft MHSDS Enhanced Technical Output Specification version
We’ll announce and publish the final IDB as soon as possible. Subscribe to this item to receive updates on the IDB.
Released on 9 November 2023.
This release is useable from 1 October 2021 for portal submissions from 1 December 2021.
An internal IDB technical issue that was padding entered text with spaces to the maximum field length has been resolved.
The format of field SMHEPCCharge in table MHS517SMHExceptionalPackOfCare has been changed from number (Decimal 9 Precision 2) to string (Length 10) for easier population.
Table names, field names, field types (with the exception of field SMHEPCCharge) and sizes are identical to the previous release.
All Provider/Supplier processes and systems that have been developed to populate the IDB should not be affected and will work with this release.
Released on 5 November 2021.
Tests of the submission portal have found a technical issue with this release.
This release stores entered text with padded spaces up to the maximum field length.
This does not affect the structure or population of the IDB, but could impact downstream processing after submission to NHS Digital.
We’re working on a new release that will contain identical table and field names, field types and sizes - the only difference will be that entered text will not be stored with padded spaces up to the maximum field length.
This is an internal change to the IDB concerning the physical storage of data after entry. All Provider/Supplier processes and systems that have been developed to populate this release should not be affected and will work with the new release.
The new release will be available shortly.
Released on 10 August 2021.
The submission portal is being developed and tested, and part of that testing includes testing this release of the IDB - the content is subject to change as development continues.
We’ll announce and publish the final IDB as soon as possible. Subscribe to this item to receive updates on the IDB.
Released on 18 June 2021.
This release is useable from 9 June 2020.
This amended release incorporates format changes to 6 data items to resolve submission validation errors identified at go-live. All table and field names remain the same. Please see the production log included in the release for details of the changes.
This release should be used for all 4.1 submissions going forward.
Released on 2 March 2020.