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SNOMED International are proposing to increase the maximum length of Fully Specified Name and Synonym descriptions from 255 to 4,096 characters.
Read more about the proposal in the document SNOMED International Proposal to Increase Description Length Limit (PDF only, 128KB).
The zip file (4KB) contains the proposed changes to the Description Type Refset.
As the UK Member's National Release Centre, NHS England is collating feedback from SNOMED CT users in the UK on behalf of SNOMED International. To provide feedback on this proposal, submit your response by 5pm on Wednesday, 31 July 2024.
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17 May 2024 9:29 am
Following the consultation SNOMED International ran up to the end of January regarding the inactivation of role groupers in Substance and Medicinal Product hierarchies, their Content Team has released their Universal Summary of results of role groupers consultation final.pdf document.
From the "Resolution and Next Steps" section of the document:
The next step is for NHS England to circulate the Briefing Note regarding the inactivation of Medicinal Product therapeutic role groupers and communicate next steps relating to this.
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16 April 2024 12:26 pm
Find the briefing paper regarding the inactivation of the Navigation Concept Hierarchy on Delen.
Some Navigational concepts are in high use in the UK. To assess how stakeholders use the concepts in this hierarchy, and to help inform discussions about possible replacement concepts, NHS England is seeking feedback via by 31 January 2024.
19 December 2023 11:32 am
Find briefing papers for the consultation on the inactivation of Role Groupers in Substance and Medicinal Product Hierarchies on Delen.
Please provide your feedback to the 5 questions within the Member/user requirements section (bottom of page 3 in the SNOMED International Briefing Note) to by 31 January 2024.
Responses will be collated and submitted to SNOMED International at the end of the day on 31 January 2024.
If you have any questions, please email
18 December 2023 11:09 am
To improve alignment of NHSBSA dm+d and SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension content and release cycles, changes will be made to both terminologies in 2023.
Read more on the UK Medicines Terminology Futures pages on the NHS Digital website. Proposed timescales are subject to change, so visit these pages regularly for updates.
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20 December 2022 10:21 am
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