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As part of the UK Medicines Terminology Futures work, we are seeking feedback from those who use or manage dm+d data, to understand the impacts of uplifting SCCI0052 dm+d.
The scope for uplifting the standard is:
The purpose of uplifting SCCI0052 is to reflect these changes as part of the core dm+d data model and be reflected in the core dm+d extract, rather than as supplementary files.
We've produced a short survey to assess the impact on users and the resultant change to the core dm+d files and download. Please submit responses by 5pm on Friday 16 August 2024.
A sample test file, (ZIP, 16MB), is available which reflects the proposed changes. This file is not official dm+d data and is for test purposes only.
If you have any issues completing the survey or would like to discuss this work further, email
6 August 2024 10:54 am
From 16 January 2023 releases of item NHSBSA dm+d include the dm+d historical codes as an XML file to help you find medications that have had their code changed more than once.
Planned changes to:
have been published on the Changes to digital terminologies page of the NHS Digital website.
Email questions or feedback to
18 January 2023 3:57 pm
Watch the 23-minute webinar Enhancing dm+d and SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension: guidance for NHS Trusts – December 2022 on the UK Medicines Terminology Futures page of the NHS Digital website. The webinar explains the changes, why they are being made, the impact on users of dm+d and when the changes will take place.
View details of the planned changes to dm+d and SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension digital terminologies and the delivery timeline on the Changes to digital terminologies page. The proposed timescales are subject to change, so check this page regularly for updates.
The dm+d historic file is still planned for delivery on 16 January 2023 as an additional file within the weekly dm+d release.
Email questions or feedback to
11 January 2023 3:47 pm
To improve alignment of NHSBSA dm+d and SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension content and release cycles, changes will be made to both terminologies in 2023.
Read more on the UK Medicines Terminology Futures pages on the NHS Digital website. Proposed timescales are subject to change, so visit these pages regularly for updates.
Email questions or feedback to
20 December 2022 10:21 am
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