Home SNOMED CT subsets in development
Releases of this item contain subsets related to the domain specified in each file. These are not yet available in the main release, but may be made available once utility and appropriateness for purpose is demonstrable.
Some subsets will be listed in more than one category - this is intentional, and the subset content will be the same. We suggest you register for domains of interest, rather than selecting all, or be aware that some duplication will occur.
We recommend subscribing to this item to receive updates of the latest content before formal release.
We welcome feedback on any of the products, but especially early in the lifecycle of the product it is useful to have feedback on how products are intended to be used or any definition or quality concerns users (or potential users) have. Where subsets relate directly to your domain of practice, there may be opportunities to be more actively involved in development or ownership of the subset. This particularly applies to domain experts within professional bodies - contact the subset service via information.standards@nhs.net.
Released on 4 October 2018.
In Development subsets in spreadsheet format (25.1.0) for the April 2018 bi-annual release.
Released on 12 April 2018.